Sugisaki Hana no Satsukyu EP1 “Round Things”

Suddenly taking a filming break, Hana Sugisaki realizes that her washing machine is broken. She had no choice but to go to the laundromat, but the unaccustomed Hana had only 1,000 yen bills and no coins. When she went outside to exchange money, she found Mizuki, a musician, playing on the street. Hana, who had just bought Mizuki’s CD for 1,000 yen, finally had no money left and tried to borrow some coins from Gonda, a customer who was also at the laundromat…

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  1. 3

    Thanks for this but can you please add Brother Trap in subtitleling as your fan please. Only if you want because the first subber of that drama have many wrong and using the word not applicable/not match. Please check on to see but very grateful for effort. Thank you….

    • 4

      About : brother trap
      Sorry about that, i didn’t look up until i see the twitter, Konayuki subs already this but late to see. I didn’t search up much unless to see on unauthorized reproduction on Jdrama etc.
      God bless, Good health, stay healthy….

  2. 5
    John Anlezark

    Hi there –
    Just to let you know that the link provided
    for “Round Things” actually points to the
    content of your previous post, “Hoshi Furu”
    Thanks for your continued efforts – John

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